AGE:   Ahead of her year group in school, is two years younger than Andrewbacteria, but is in his year group and is considered by her friends as a super fast learner.

HABITS: Angie is a bit of a bookworm so she reads every day as much as she can.  She is always on the fast track with lots of energy so she wears her wheely shoes everywhere so she can get where she is going faster.  She gets on really well with ANDREWBACTERIA and they meet pretty often for lunch and to debate whatever comes to mind that day.

HOBBIES:  Whizzing about her house on her wheely shoes, with a book in one hand and a piece of fruit in the other. Angie thinks best when she's wheeling.  She has a great collection of friendship bracelets and loves to sit with her girlfriends and do anything creative and arty.  Another favourite past time is to make experiments, Angie has been making experiments ever since she got her first science kit for Christmas.

MEMBERSHIPS:  British Science Association

FAVOURITE READING MATERIAL: All things to do with Veterinary medicine and animal care or any kind of science.

HOME:  Lives with mum and dad. Angie doesn't have any brothers or sisters but she has plenty of pets, one cat, one dog, a lizard, chickens and a gerbil named hoppy.  After Angie destroyed two wooden floors wheeling everywhere, her parents took the dramatic step of replacing all downstairs flooring in their house with tiles, so Angie could wheel to her hearts content.

WHATS IN ANGIE'S BATHROOM – Hair bands, she loves hair bands and has them in all shapes and colours and even makes her own!.  A jewellery box, covered on the outside with shells and containing all her old friendship bracelets alongside a collection of stones, shells and interesting small shiny things.  Angie loves to smell nice and has numerous bottles of lovely smelling hand creams and lotions.  One personally designed Germ Buddies Glove Wipes holder covered with Angie's own designs and stick on gems. 

FAVOURITE GERM BUDDIES PRODUCT – The automatic waste bin. This thing is so cool it opens up for you to drop your waste in as soon as your hand goes close to it.  Its like magic, (watch the Germ Buddies Products Page as this product will be coming really soon when testing is completed)!

Angie will probably work in microbiology with some focus on animals as she is animal mad and takes care of anything from an ant to a hedgehog whenever they venture into her garden at home.

If Angie wasn't going to be microbiologist, she would want to be an artist or a vet.  Fruit is Angie's all time favourite food, she wouldn't mind if that was all she was asked to eat every day, maybe she should have been a gorilla!  She thinks there are so many varieties of fruits around that you can never actually get bored of trying them.

Angie is lucky enough to have her own microscope so she doesn't have to bother Prof Stan for his whenever she finds something she wants to investigate further. She uses it almost daily to look at home made slides and collect data.

Angie contributes to the children's science journal at school, keeps a very detailed daily diary and loves writing absolutely every tiny detail of every investigation she makes in her laptop and adding photographs as well. Every year she raises chickens, incubating the eggs and waiting for them to hatch, what a joy. 

ANGIEBIOTIC's message for her young friends is to be kind to everyone you meet, especially animals and to foster your creative spirit whenever you can. Original is best.