With over 30 years experience in the early years field and as a parent of two young children, like all parents I wanted to keep my children safe from germs and anything in the world that may harm them.

All parents are concerned about the dangers in everyday life that expose our little loved ones to potentially deadly diseases. It seems that every year we hear about a new strain of this and a new type of that germ and about antibiotic resistant this and infectious that.

COVID-19, has fundamentally changed the way that people approach germs, sanitation, and social interaction, forever!

There is no avoiding it, the world is full of germs.  Although for the most part we co-habit successfully, we vaccinate and educate, hoping that we have done enough to protect our children with the tools that we have, but there are times when as a parent, you just wish that you could live your life in a bubble where nothing can harm your family.  

We cannot live in a sterile bubble and I for one, wouldn't want to.  My mission although my kids call me a 'germ buster mum', my goal is not to sterilise the world.  I don't run around the house cleaning all day.  There are however some important things that I do believe in and education is definitely very high on that list. 


Germ Buddies was born from a genuine desire to see young children learn about germs in a fun and interesting as well as interactive way, and to encourage the practice of good personal hygiene.  The products and characters help children to see what they can do for themselves to reduce exposure to some of the dangers that they face and to help them to become more independent and able along the way.


In fact the Germ Buddies Glove Wipe was created in response to the constant cries of 'mummy, come and wipe my bottom please' from my own young children.  I was determined to help them to become independent as soon as they had the ability to be so, but there was nothing on the market that did the job I wanted to.  I was fed up of fishing out dirty, dropped wet wipes from the toilet pan, in order to stop the toilet getting blocked and one day the inspiration came when I watched my daughter struggle with yet another everyday wipe. She tried to wrap the wipe around her hand before she used it in order not to drop it in the toilet and not to get poo on her hands either. 


She was trying so hard to do what seemed like an impossible task!  I decided there and then to create a glove type wipe that would allow her to be independent in her toilet hygiene.

After lots of ''prototype'' attempts, sewn and stuck together and tested on my lovely daughter, the Glove Wipe was created – finally a wipe that fits snugly, is thick and gentle and doesn't fall off a child's hand ….. and guess what... my daughter loves them.

She is the inspiration and the model for ANGIEBIOTIC, one of the Germ Buddies.  Everyone we showed, who saw the new package for the Glove Wipes can see the likeness. 


Its not just about the practical aspects of taking care of ourselves, teaching our children how and why we get sick as well as what the almost invisible but very real threats are to our well being that are important.  Empowering our children to make good decisions for themselves is critical. We will sadly not always be close by to remind our toddler to 'wash their hands with soap' every time they rush to and from the bathroom or in and out of the garden, but imprinting that one simple life skill, can become a potentially life saving habit that helps your child at some point in their future.  You wouldn't let your child ride a bike without a safety helmet, so consider teaching good hygiene practices the protective equipment of your child's health awareness.

Science tells us that some germs are actually important and helpful, but in order to keep our children safe, we need to make them aware of the potential dangers of the not so helpful hidden threats that are in microscopic form all round us.  We also have a duty of care to teach our children that they have the ability to take action themselves from a very early age, and to pay attention to the good hygiene practices that can help them to stay safe and healthy.  I have spent my career adhering to this goal and as a parent, I encourage this in my own children on a daily basis. 


Our children rely on us to teach them the life skills that help them to reach maturity without encountering too many serious dangers along the way.  With global travel within reach of so many families these days, we increasingly expose our loved ones to even more potentially harmful varieties of worldwide germs. We shouldn't stop doing all those wonderful things that enrich and develop our children, however dangerous they may appear,  but we can inform and equip them with the tools necessary to take care of themselves.    


Children learn through play and making something fun, means that they only want to do it more. Good or bad habits are formed by repetition, so Germ Buddies characters and Germs, help your children make friends with the information and therefore the learning they achieve is even further advanced by their relationship with the Germ Buddies friends and the repeated way in which information is delivered through our specially designed, child friendly products. 

We hope you will love the Germ Buddies product range. We are continually developing and creating more and more helpful solutions for your family, so keep popping back to the web site to stay in touch with new products and to get resources that help you to keep your family in good health.

To meet the Germ Buddies click here >>>>>>